Runtime Data Collection

The Necessity of a Full-Stack Approach for Achieving 
Comprehensive Security in Modern Applications

A fullstack approach

Comprehensive data collection is paramount for understanding, optimizing, and securing modern applications. There are three methodologies for runtime data collection: Kernel-based, application-based, and API-based. These techniques offer unique advantages allowing security, development, and operations teams to gain insights into various aspects of their systems. That said, each of these methods has limitations and neither one provides complete coverage on its own.
Helios combines multiple runtime data collection methods to provide context, granular data, and a comprehensive picture of the application’s security posture in runtime

Kernel-based data collection

eBPF, or Extended Berkeley Packet Filter, is a kernel technology available since Linux 4.4. It allows developers to run programs without adding additional modules or modifying the kernel source code. Think of it as a lightweight, sandboxed virtual machine within the Linux kernel that lets you hook into kernel calls and extract data in an efficient and safe way.

Use case example

Monitor incoming networking calls made by processes, allowing for the early detection of potential exploitations.


  1. Can’t be used in clusters without privilege mode – In EKS Fargate and GKE Autopilot, running a container in privileged mode, which is required for eBPF, is not allowed, because the Kubernetes nodes are managed by AWS/GCP.
  2. Can’t be used when there is no access to the Kernel, like Lambdas.
  3. Hardened environments that don’t allow running as root.


1: Can’t be used in clusters without privilege mode – In EKS Fargate and GKE Autopilot, running a container in privileged mode, which is required for eBPF, is not allowed, because the Kubernetes nodes are managed by AWS/GCP.
2:Can’t be used when there is no access to the Kernel, like Lambdas.
3:Hardened environments that don’t allow running as root.

Application-based data collection 

App-level instrumentation encompasses various techniques across different languages and runtimes to gather data by integrating with the application, often by adding code either explicitly or implicitly. This typically involves replacing function implementations at runtime with wrapped versions that capture information about their executions, including durations and return values. Modern methods have made this process more transparent. Dynamic languages like Node.js and Python allow script loading before the main program starts, and Java’s javaagent mechanism is used for similar purposes.

Use case example

App-level instrumentation: Using eBPF as the instrumentation mechanism to gather telemetry data for distributed tracing.


  1. Errors in the instrumentation can interfere with the application.
  2. Not all languages support app-level instrumentation without code changes to the application.


1: Errors in the instrumentation can interfere with the application.
2: Not all languages support app-level instrumentation without code changes to the application.

API-based data collection 

Cloud provider APIs like AWS CloudWatch, and the Kubernetes API provide a low-friction method for collecting data about cloud deployments. These integrations are usually based on API key or IAM integration, making them very easy to implement. 

Use case example

Extract all running Docker images from a K8s cluster


API-based data is limited in its nature. Runtime data is most unavailable to them (e.g., knowing if a certain package is loaded into memory or if a vulnerable function is invoked)


API-based data is limited in its nature. Runtime data is most unavailable to them (e.g., knowing if a certain package is loaded into memory or if a vulnerable function is invoked)

Save time with runtime

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Save time with runtime

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